A little extra love on social media and all the cars were gone.

  • Oct 27, 2023 - 2 min read
A little extra love on social media and all the cars were gone.

Car video ads with a bit of extra love on Meta and YouTube – with phenomenal results. 

Automated AI-enhanced video ads are already the new standard for thousands of progressive car dealers. First in their own online showrooms and marketplaces. Now gaining wider reach and impact on leading social media platforms, too.

The results from the first four years literally speak volumes, and many dealers eagerly embrace the next step: Broad media campaigns via world-leading social platforms like YouTube and Meta to reach new audiences with cool and snappy video spots. Fast to market, highly competitive, and totally affordable.

Meta recommends 15-second spots

According to Oliver Sandgren, Product Lead at Phyron,

”In the past, the best you could get was manually produced video ads requiring days of manual work. With AI automation you can get cool, competitive video ads for any number of cars within a few minutes. Ready to run in the agreed placements and formats. Video helps to sell the cars faster too, at lower total selling costs.”

Following the recommendations of Meta's media advisers, Phyron uses a standardized 15-second format, but current tests and ongoing product developments indicate even shorter formats in the near future. Online advertising is simply running faster now.

 "The results have been phenomenal"

In the beginning of the summer, Bilbolaget, a major dealer in northern Sweden, decided to give some slow movers in their inventory ”a little extra love” in the form of automated video ads in paid social media. Two months later, they were practically sold out, and more cars were advertised in the same way.

”We are very pleased with the results. Based on the results of the successful summer campaign we have now continued applying the same media approach to other parts of our inventory”, says Marcus Malmberg, Digital Business Director at Bilbolaget. ”Video is clearly a winning formula.” In a conversation earlier this year he also said,

“Phyron’s automated services allow us to focus solely on car sales, and the results have been phenomenal. We focus on selling the car, Phyron handles the rest. I highly recommend Phyron to any dealer or dealer group aiming to enhance their digital efforts.”

Rolf Andersson
Phyron Writer and Editor