
The used car advertising award

  • By Phyron
  • Jan 15, 2023
  •  – 2 min read

The advertising industry is notorious for awarding “creative” ads, rather than ads that generate the most revenues. 

As for automotive ads one organization keeps on celebrating “the best automobile ads”, evaluated in terms of Creativity, Innovation, Design and other rather inward-looking merits.

This may be OK for the agency people who wish to stand out among their peers, that’s a natural part of their own sales and marketing game. For car dealers’ Marketing, Sales, or Online Business Managers, it would make far more sense to award ads proven beyond doubt to:

  • Attract more potential buyers to their online and physical showrooms
  • Help to turn up revenues and cut costs by selling the cars faster
  • Make better use of their employees’ time and energy by simplifying internal processes, from the creation of the ads to publishing them on their website, external marketplaces and social media.

Increased revenues and lower costs. Proven beyond any doubt.
A major car dealer group may have thousands, even tens of thousands used cars in its catalog, each one carrying costs and potential revenues. The most fundamental improvement would be to bring all these cars, some proudly exhibited, others lurking in the dark, into the game. Not necessarily in your physical showroom but at least making the most of each one online. 

Today, you can make each car come alive and into the game for the right buyers with a studio-quality video, highlighting all its merits for around 3 euro. A real bargain, considering the fixed capital and other costs involved. Solving the problem with slow moving inventory yourself, rather than giving away the profit to someone else might save you a great deal of money. 

It’s a well-tried and tested measure, proven by leading dealer groups around Europe and beyond.In 2022, a leading ad media publisher analyzed the performance of 10,000 car ads and found that, on average, cars with automated video attracted 50% more viewers and sold 3-5 days faster. 

Increased revenues and lower costs. Beyond any comparison and beyond any doubt. There really should be an award for that, shouldn’t it?

